Flats VS Ghost Mannequin: Which Styling is Better for Your Designs?
We get this question a lot! (And if you're new to styling plans, be sure to read this first.)
From our experience, Ghost Mannequins styling is best for swimwear, activewear, underwear, denim, formal evening wear, and full figure sized apparel.
Ghost mannequin for FRAME
All of these categories require the shape is well defined and you can achieve that best using the form of a mannequin. Ghost also work best if you have a back detail/cut out that you want to be sure is visible if you are only doing front shot.
Using ghost mannequins to highlight cutouts and keyholes.
However, that doesn’t mean everything else looks better as a “Flat” (aka with no shape/breast). T-shirts can look good either as Ghost or a Flat, but an imperfect sample will show the imperfections more as a Ghost whereas we can hide those not perfect seams styled as a Flat.
If your sample garments have lots of folds, it can look neater if they are styled as a Flat vs a Ghost. Using the pins we use for Flats, we can make sure the folds are separated and well defined.
Highlighting folds
For all those other categories of apparel that don’t fall into the ones mentioned above, then what type of styling should a client request?
The fabric and cut of the sample will influence the best styling method to showcase the sample. Also, it is important to consider the aesthetic of the brand. Here are some samples styled both ways.
Ghost on the left, Pin-up on the right
The ghost definitely accentuates the shape of the clothing, so it then can come down to the aesthetic of the brand and if you want the shape accentuated.
Ghost on the left, pin up on the right
If you are unsure, StyleExpo’s team are happy to do test shots for you to decide.
StyleExpo Photography has 20 years of experience servicing the fashion, jewelry, beauty and homegoods industry. Studios in NYC and LA offer services ranging from one-hour table-top jewelry shoots to a full-day lifestyle model shoot on location. Rates are per-shot for send-in work, though we do offer hourly rates for clients wanting to participate at the shoot. Turnaround is 3-4 business days and all images can be resized and cropped ready to populate your website or linesheet. Call us today to discuss your shoot. 213.394.6307 or contact megan@styleexpo.com
StyleExpo Photography: Your Vision Made Simple