Ghost Mannequin for Swimwear: All in the Details
One might think it would be pretty easy to style swimwear as a ghost mannequin, however, a lot of detailed styling is required of swimwear.
As noted in Blog Flats vs Ghost, we suggest that swimwear is styled as a ghost mannequin so the shape is accentuated and all cut-outs are highlighted. Even after that decision, there are still plenty of styling decisions that your photographer/studio should clarify with you ahead of your shoot.
For example: Do you want the back straps on a bikini top to be visible from your front shot? Do you want to see the return on the shoulder straps? Do you want your neck strings tied in a bows?
Options for styling swimwear
A Ghost Mannequin image normally include the inside waistband/neckline so for a true ghost swimwear shot, do you want to see the fabric on the inside of the swimsuit visible in the front shot?
Lastly, when there are lots of straps on a piece of swimwear, usually a front shot is sufficient. In these image we show you the front and back, however you can see that all of those sexy straps get communicated on the front shot and the back shot didn’t add much. Therefore, save the time/money and just get really good front shots.
Front and back shots.
StyleExpo Photography has 20 years of experience servicing the fashion, jewelry, beauty and homegoods industry. Studios in NYC and LA offer services ranging from one-hour table-top jewelry shoots to a full-day lifestyle model shoot on location. Rates are per-shot for send-in work, though we do offer hourly rates for clients wanting to participate at the shoot. Turnaround is 3-4 business days and all images can be resized and cropped ready to populate your website or linesheet. Call us today to discuss your shoot. 213.394.6307 or contact
StyleExpo Photography: Your Vision Made Simple